Embody your Precious Life 

Hellerwork Structural Integration By



Somatic  Psychology

The mystery of how the body heals is unlocked as we bring conscious awareness to the sensations associated with suffering and unravel the wisdom they hold. Pairing Somatics with body work assists clients with recognizing why they are holding onto the issues in their tissues to alchemize pain into freedom.

Structural Bodywork

Structural Bodywork uniquely takes structural scale and positioning of bones into consideration. When the fascial matrix is made to allow space for structure and function, the body can mechanically work the way it was designed. Releasing pain and restriction is an incredible gift to give ourselves and our clients.

Movement Education

Clients keep what they've earned by embodying movement patterns that support long-term health through moving in alignment and harmony with the world around them. When an individual learns to move this way, the body maintains a new and improved expression. Movement is the context of this work.

Hellerwork Structural Integration sessions and series is the best way to realign & transform the body and release traumas and tension patterns that contribute to pain and suffering.

The exciting new world of fascial research, combined with body mind medicine and somatic psychology are all part of a new opportunity that each of us has to transform our whole relationship with our bodies.

This allows not only our physical structures to change and improve, but also clarifies the perceptual lens through which we look- what we perceive through  this lens creates our body image and in part, our self image.

This is The Art and Science of Hellerwork Structural Integration.

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A holistic wellness platform that will help you lose weight, align your posture, decrease pain, gain confidence and get gorgeous glowing skin.

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A world renowned Hellerwork Structural Integration trainer and practitioner with over 40 years of experience, and Senior Training director of the Hellerwork Practitioner Training Program.


Email [email protected] or call 310-459-2140.

Read My Story

Photo By Alexandra De Furio

Tune in to Healing with Hellerwork. Listen to my latest podcast with Amanda Parker!


Link to All Podcast Players



Explore what my website has to offer you!

Introduction to Hellerwork Seminars and Ergonomic Seminars for corporations and groups that have been proven to reduce injuries and increase productivity. My books Align for Life and The Body Mastery System. Information about your health concerns and what you can do about it. Professional referral network (Dan’s list), Health oriented products & so much more!

My offerings provide you opportunities to both explore and commit to creating positive growth and well-being in the form of improved shape, awareness, vitality, beauty, self image and self love!

Read My Story

“Dan Bienenfeld might be the sole person I’ve met who deserves to be called a true healer. His highly intuitive nature coupled with his extensive knowledge of the structure of the human body and the infrastructure of the human psyche, makes anyone who is fortunate enough to have his ridiculously brilliant hands sculpt away the parts that are inhibiting their flow, lucky indeed. He is the body-mind connection incarnate.”

Jennifer Grey,
Actress (dirty dancing), winner of Dancing with the stars

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Dan posts valuable tips and tricks for living an Aligned Life. Embody Your Precious Life and Join the Community on Instagram!


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